Psikoloji Çaly?malary; 1972;10():97-179
İçedönüklük - Dışadönüklük Şahsiyet Vasıfları İle İdrakler Arasındaki İlişkiler
M Aşkın
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum
In this study, the relations between introversión-extraversión
-personality traits and perceptions are examined. M.M.P.l. SocialIntelligence
Scale and ^Emotional Maladjustments^ and «Sociability»
Scales of Alastair Heron Personality Test have been used to
group the subjects according to their personality traits.
According to the scores obtained from personality tests, the
subjects have been divided into three groups: «introvert», «borderline»,
and «extravert».
The experiments designed to examine the relationships between
introversión-extraversión personality traits and perceptions were
in particular related to visual perception. These experiments were
Müîler-Lyer Illusion, Stereo-Kinetic-Depth perception and Kinephantascope
Illusions. The general hypothesis of this research is that there is a relationship between perceptual behaviors and Personality
structure. Acting from this general hypothesis more specific hypotheses
have been formulated in accordance with the characteristics
of each experiment.
On M.M.P.I. Social-intelligence scale, the subjects who received
a score of 3fy or over have been accepted as introvert; those who
who obtained a score of 7-12. formed the introvert group; those
who received a score between 16 and 25 were considered as extravert.
On the sociability scale of the Heron Personality Test, the subjects
who obtained score of 7 -12 formed the introvert group; those
who received a score of Jf-6 were called border-line; and those who
had a score of 1 - 3 were considered as extravert.
The sample used in this research consisted of 82 University
students; 37 from University of'Istanbul and ^5 from Atatürk University
in Erzurum. The study was conducted in two parts : one in
Istanbul and the other in Erzurum. Both groups were subjected to
the same personality tests and perception experiments. Both personality
tests'have produced confirming results. The correlation
between the M.M.P.I. Social-intelligence and Heron sociability scale
was + 0^ 5-If. for the Group Î in Istanbul and • - f 0, 53 for the Group
II in Erzurum. .
The first perception experiment applied to the subjects was the
M-Lyer Illusion the essence of which was equalizing the two lengths
in a horizontal situation. In this experiment, the subjects were
equalizing the given and the standart stimulus with their hands.
The result obtained from the M-Lyer Illusion experiments were significantly
different for the first and the second group. In these
experiments, the responses obtained from the extravert subjects
were closer to the standart stimulus_ than the ones obtained from the
introvert subjects. It can be said that the subjects in Istanbul and
Erzurum expressed similar behaviors. The illusion level was over
20 per cent for the introvert groups, less than 10 per cent for the
extravert groups and 16-17 per cent for the border-line groups. Positive
correlation was found between the M-Lyer Illusion test and
the personality tests. These correlations were r = + 0.57 r = + O.JfS
for the Group I and r = + 0.76, r = + 0.81/. for the Group II. These results have supported our hypothesis. The second experiment is a
phenomenon which is known as stereo-kinetic depth perception and
which does not produce a depth perception in a static situation but
does produce while rotating around an axis. In this experiment, a
gramophone was used. A mirror was installed in the backside of the
instrument. The images of the stimuli materials rotating on the
disc were observed from the mirror by the subjects. Meaningful results
were obtained from this experiment in regard to groups with
different personality traits in two cities. The extravert groups were
able to observe the depth perception more than the introvert groups.
The differences between the groups with different personality traits
in both groups (I and II) were meaningful at the level of P <.001.
Our hypothesis has been supported by these results. The third experiment
is kinephantascope illusion. This experiment is related to the
reversible perception process. We were not able to apply this experiment
to Group II in Erzurum since we could not provide the instrument
In Kinephantascope illusion, many different perceptual organisations
with equal probabilities emerged. In this experiment, the responses
of the subjects against a stimulus which was changing for a
certain time were being examined in regard to variety and the number
of changes. In this experiment, the extravert groups have produced
more variation and greater' number of changes in comparison to
the introvert groups. The differences between the groups with different,
personality traits in both groups (I and II) were meaningful
at the level of P <.001. These results have also supported our hypothesis.
Consequently, this study has indicated that there is a meaningful
relationship between the personality traits (introversion and extroversion)
and the perceptions (M-Lyer Ilhision, Stereokinetic Depth
Perception and Kinephantascope Illusion). The experiments, thus
have supported our general hypothesis.