Yansıtma: Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi; 2011;(15):63-76
Psikofarmakolojik Tedaviye Yanıt Vermeyen Bir Melankolik Depresyon Olgusu
HA Özmen, M Altıntaş, SÇ Parlak
Erenköy RSHH, İstanbul
A Case of Melancholic Depression Who did not Respond to Psychopharmacological treatment
It is assumed that patients diagnosed with depression with melancholic features only recovery by psychopharmacological treatment. The case outlined in this article did not respond to psychopharmacological treatment and showed clinical improvement with psychotherapy relationship. The 30- [year] old female patient showed melancholic depression picture during each ongoing or discontinued pregnancy. The picture quickly resolved as soon as pregnancy ended. Her mother during her pregnancy had attempted to terminate her pregnancy and had tried to conceal her pregnancy. Her sister who attached to the positive features had assumed the patientís care from her birth. What was repeated with each pregnancy? Two basic level to help us respond to this question: sense of loss and repetition of trauma. Our case was a ìabandonedî baby since her mother pregnancy. In these conditions she had lived very concerns about the loss of her mother and as well as sessions progressed well exposed to a very strong hatred was likely to be experienced. In fact, the patient's destructive attitude towards herself meant the destruction of the internal bad mother. During sessions progressed the patientís depression was resolved with the verbalization of anger towards the mother as a parallel reduction of anger towards oneself and positive characteristics of the mother to begin to unite the negative features. Each pregnancy, she ìkillsî her babies just like her mother. She did it by entering depression, taking medication during pregnancy in symbolic level and abortion in the actual.