Yansıtma: Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi; 2011;(15):31-38
Yeniden Melankoli
F Ayadi
Melancholia Again
When Freud (1915) listens to a melancholic patient he finds the patient giving a correct description of his psychical impoverishment but he only wonders why a man has to be ill before to reach such a truth. In 1895 when the concept of melancholia firstly appeared in psychoanalytical literature in a letter written by Freud to Fliess, melancholia was associated with ësexual anesthesiaí and orality thinking. After Freud had a clearer view of Oedipus complex, he had realized the function of the feeling ëhateí to the parents which underlies in melancholia. In the letter which he sent to Fliess in 1897, the concepts of ambivalence and identification were added to psychoanalytical writings. Karl Abraham is another name who was interested in manic-depressive psychosis and melancholia. Being influenced by the paper of Freud on the ëSchreber Caseí he has shown the introjection processes referred to projections, which plays an important role in melancholia. It was again Abraham (1924) who had emphasized the importance of oral libidinal development in the work of melancholia. Freud (1915) supposes three preconditions for the formation of melancholia: loss of the object, ambivalence and the regression of the libido into the ego. With the help of metapsychological concepts founded by Freud (1924) we offer a fourth precondition for the formation of melancholia, which is a ësadistic superegoí. This agency approaches the ego in a sadistic fashion, takes it as an object and attacks it; in consequence the manifest symptoms of melancholia are formed. Psychoanalysis tries to understand the human psyche through investigating the pathological formations in normal processes. It also tries to enlighten processes which can be seen as normal in a certain period of development but taken as pathological in the latter stages of human life. With this approach of psychoanalysis the definitions and borders between illness and healthy which were put by modern psychiatry begins to diminish. Psychoanalysis shows us that we can only talk about relatively stable psychic positions.