Yansıtma: Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi; 2010;(14):41-53
Olağandışı Bir Hastalık Öyküsünde Bedensel Belirtiler ve Ölüm Dürtüsü Bağlamında Düşlemsel Yaşam
AE Yavuz
İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
Bodily Symptoms And Death Drive in a Rare Illness within the Context of Psychic World
Psychogenic Purpura or Gardner and Diamond's syndrome is a rare illness which is mostly seen in young women with the symptoms of bizarre inflammatory bruises and tender ecchymotic lesions. The symptoms start spontaneously and these symptoms may be very rich contrasting with normal biological test results.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the psychic world of a 35 [year] of woman who is diagnosed as psychogenic purpura. The projective tests of Rorschach and TAT were given and interpreted according to French School. The richness of the responses indicate death drives and aggressiveness in object relations. The responses of the tests also indicate the negativity of archaic maternal image, intrusivity and persecution in this primordial relation. The concept of "therepeutic child" and patient's role in early mother-daughter relationship is discussed with the meaning of illness.