Yansıtma: Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi; 2010;(13):77-86
Çocuk Çizimlerinin Projektif Değerlendirilmesinin Okul Ortamında Kullanımı
S Boyacıoğlu, OH Özpar
The projective use of child drawings in schools
Using projective techniques to assess the drawings of children create a strong theoretic basis for the counseling services given in schools. It helps being in collaboration with the student, the family and the teachers in terms of establishing the therapeutic frame. It's a tool that contributes a lot in determining the material that we have to work on, and on planning the interferences that is necessary. In the article, instead of debriefing on the projective assessment of children's drawings, we focused on the use of the projective tests in schools' counseling and shared a case study.