Bakırköy Akıl ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi Tıbbi Mecmuası; 1967;1(1):78-89
Elektroşok'un Psikofizyolojisi
C Atasev
Bakırköy Akıl ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi
Psycho-physiology of Electroschock Treatment
In this article, following headlines are taken into consideration:
1 _ History of the psychiatry treatment.
2 _ Psycho Physiologic mechanism of the ECT.
a) Neuro - vegetative action of EC T.
b) Acid - alkali equilibrium
c) Humoral changes
d) The role of the diencephalon in the pathogenesis of the emotional and thymic disturbances
e) ECT and consciousness.
For the final, in his structural analysis author reaches to the conclusion that:
a) ECT regulates the humor and consciousness
b) Regulatory mechanism is in the diencephalon
c) If the regulatory mechanism is destroyed ECT can not regulate the mechanism.