Bakırköy Akıl ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi Tıbbi Mecmuası; 1967;1(1):7-24
Akut Psikozlarda Thioridazin ve Plasebo
F Bayülkem, G Geray, M Ortayalvaç, İ Türek
Bakırköy Akıl ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi
107 akut ve şiddetli psikotik hasta thioridazin ve placebo'ya vereceği cevap bakımından mukayese edilmiştir. Hastalar Bakırköy Akıl Hastanesine kabuı edilen erkek ve kadınlardan seçilmiştir. Placebo 2 hafta, thioridazin ekseriyette 4, bir kısım hastada da 6 hafta süreyle verilmiştir. Vak'aların hepsi major psikozlardan seçilmiştir. Placebo verilen hastaların % 20 sinde çok sathî bir iyilik görülmüş, buna mukabil thioridazin alan 57 vak'anın 4 tanesinde (% 7; thioridazin etkisiz, 16 sında (% 28) zayıf etkili, 22 sinde (% 38,4) orta derece etkili, 15 inde (°/c 26) ise iyi derece etkili bulunmuştur. Thioridazin araz spektrumu içinde en çok, manifest anxiety ve aggression ile sosyal münasebetler bozukluğu ismi altında toplanabilecek 20 adet semptoma tesir etmiş, bundan sonra daha zayıf olarak aktivite ve mood ile ilgili araza tesir etmiştir. Bunun yanında düşünce bozuklukları ile ego disorganizasyonuna da belirli bir etkisi görülmüştür. Thioridazin'in etkisi psikoz üzerine global olmuştur.
Thioridazin'in yan tesirleri hemen hemen nazarı itibare alınmayacak kadar az olmuştur.
Araştırma süresinden daha uzun süreyle thioridazin verilen birkaç vak'ada daha iyi sonuçlar alınmıştır.
Placebo'dan hiç istifade etmeyen 10 hasta, thioridazin'e geçirilmiş, bariz bir iyilik müşahede edilmiştir.
Thioridazine and Placebo in Acute Psychosis
107 severely and acutely psychotic cases were compared in two groups under the light of their reaction to Thioridazine and to placebo.
These were chosen from Bakirköy Mental Hospital's patients. Placebo was given for two weeks, Thioridazine for 4 weeks in general and to some cf themthem for 6 weeks. All of these cases were selected from major psychotic. A very superficial improvement was observed in 20 20 % of the cases to whom placebo was given. But, on the other hand, in 4 from 57 cases (7 %) Thioridazine was uneffective, in 16 (28 %) poor effect, in 22 (38,4 %) moderate effect and in 15 (26 %) cases a good effect was noted. Thioridazine was effective mostly in 20 symptoms which we may gather under the title «Manifest anxiety and aggression and disorders in social relation and was less effective in the symptome concerned with activity and mood. Also, a marked effect was noted in thought disorders and ego disorganisation. Thioridazine's effect was global on psychosis.
Thioridazine's side effect were so few that they were not found worth to be taken into consideration.
Better results were observed in few cases when Thioridazin's treatment lasted longer than the research period.
10 patients who had no benefit from placebo were then treated with Thio-ridazine and a distinct improvement was noted.
When treating with placebo new symptoms were not noticed but the old ones became worse.
No correlation was noted between the results obtained with the application cf Thioridazine and the feelings of the doctor concerning that particular patient.