Psikanaliz Yazıları; 2006;(12):87-96
Günümüz Psikopatolojilerine Günümüz Söylemi Bağlamında Lacancı Bir Bakış
Ö Ersen
Lacanian Point of View to the Actual Psychopathology in the Context of Actual Discourse
This article concentrate basically on two points : the connection between symptom, [language] and social discourse, and that how the dominant capitalist discourse of our time condition the psychic life of the subject and that how this situation influence the practice of the clinician. Our questioning base on the three modalities of the disco¬urse - the discourse of the master, the discourse of the analysts, the discourse of the capitalism - between which J. Lacan exposed in his seminar entitled "L'envers de la psychanalyse (1969-1970)" and try to explain the present-days psychopathologies of the modern and post-modern subject such depression, impotence, disnarcissisation, border line, drug addiction and attempts to show the handicaps and the illusions of the news psychological practices that takes root from liberal economy and from authority of the scientific knowledge