Psikanaliz Yazıları; 2005;(11):53-63
Düşüncenin Bedensel Kökenleri
ML Kayaalp
Body as The Origin of The Thoughts
Over centuries, the relation between body and soul is considered from the idealist materialist points of view in a reductionism manner. In this manner, the dichotomy is resolved in giving importance to one of the components and denying the other. In matter of the origins of thoughts, the same reductionism is prominent: thoughts are produced by the brain, no matter how they are produced. Then the brain is conceptualized like a computer, isolated from the wholeness of the body and the interpersonal relationship. Or, even today when the neuroscientists claims that the physiology of the brain is no more a secret, the gap between the synaptic activity of the brain and the formation of thoughts still exists. Early in his career Freud saw the impossibility of explaining the psychic phenomena only by the functions of the brain, attempts to construct his own metapsychology. In this system the emergence of the thought is conditioned by the needs of body and presence/absence of the object.