Türk Psikoloji Yazylary; 2023;26(52):30-48
Nitelik Mi, Nicelik Mi? Türkiye’de Psikoloji LisansüstüProgramlarına Yönelik Bir İnceleme
F Yaşın Tekizoğlu, S Çoksan, A Göncü Köse
Medipol Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye
Türkiye’deki lisansüstü psikoloji programlarının sayısı her geçen yıl hızla artmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bu programların nitelik ve niceliklerine ilişkin YÖK’ün sunduğu resmi bir veri bulunmamaktadır. Ayrıca, psikolojinin popülaritesi üniversiteleri sür
Is Quantity Getting Over Quality?Graduate Study in Psychology in Türkiye
The number graduate psychology programs in Turkey have increased enormously. However, CoHE does not have
official data regarding the quality and quantity of graduate programs in psychology in Türkiye. Furthermore, while the
popularity of psychology leads universities to open master’s or doctoral programs continuously, it is not known how well
the programs meet the criteria determined by CoHE for opening graduate programs. Therefore, this study aims to examine
in detail the number of psychology graduate programs in Turkey, the distribution of psychology fields within the existing
programs, and the doctoral, medical specialty or associate professorship fields of the academic staff in psychology graduate programs. For this purpose, the dataset created between January-April 2021 using the YÖKAKADEMIK database
and related programs’ web-page information was examined, and detailed information was obtained about the master’s
and doctoral programs in psychology subfields in Türkiye and the doctoral, medical specialty or associate professorship
fields of academics in these programs. Contrary to the formal requirements enforced by the Council of Higher Education,
in 92 master’s programs of 44 universities, and in 19 doctoral programs of 18 universities, education was given by faculty
members who did not have a doctorate or associate professorship degree in the relevant field. These faculty members have
doctoral degrees in fields such as psychiatry (f = 78), forensic science (f = 18), or psychological counseling & guidance
(f = 16). Additionally, psychology graduate programs were opened by various departments whose faculty did not have
degrees in psychology. It is evident that although the Council of Higher Education determines rules and regulations regarding graduate education, they are not applied to every institution. This study will provide researchers and educational
authorities with information and guidance that may help them improve future policies and practices regarding psychology
education in Türkiye.