Yansıtma: Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi; 2012;(17):77-80
S Freud (Çeviren: F Kandemir)
A current synthesis concerning borderline states is proposed, based on three principal problematics: pathology of borders and lack of interior, anxiety of object loss, particularities of oedipal conflict and masochism. The weight of contemporary psychosocial and cultural modifications on the alteration of psychopathology is mentioned. Lastly, different psychoanalytic treatments are reviewed: couch-analysis or in face to face, psychoanalytic psychotherapies, psychodrama, group psychotherapies, family therapies, therapies with mediation, institutional therapies, networked therapies. Borderline states are considered as the current paradigm of psychoanalysis: They put into question its theoretical and clinical foundations, upset its limits and asked for technical adjustments which renewed the discipline.