Psikoloji Çaly?malary; 1989;17():85-100
Türk ve Amerikan Değer Sistemlerinin Karşılaştırılması
N Ayvalıoğlu
İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul
A Comparison of Turkish and American Value Systems
The aim of study was to examine similarities and differences
in values between Turkish and American populations. 151 Turkish
respondents diffeiing" in their social stratification and residence in
Turkey were drawn and the translation of Rokeach value scale's
E form was administered. The American data was obtained from
the published results of an American national survey which used
1409 respondents.
An overall comparison between two samples' values showed;
first, two samples' «terminal» values -the goal in life- did not differ
as much as they did in the means to attain these goals -instrumental
values-. Second, analysis of both rank ordering of values and ran?king differences of values showed differences in the value system
of Turkish sample and American sample.
Differences and similarities in value systems of the two cul?tures were discussed with referance to certain features of Turkish
and American cultures; and the Westernization process which is
still in progress in Turkey.