Psikoloji Çalışmaları; 1977;13():73-89
Çocuklarda Konuşma Aktivitesine Yönelik Beyin İşlevlerinde Asimetri Gelişimi
A Şenkal
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara
Development of Asymmetry of Brain Function for Language Activity in Children as Reflected by Performances on a Listening and a Viewing Task
A total of 80 subjects, J$ boys and JfO girls, aged 3, 6, 9 and 12
years, were tested under dichotic listening (simultaneous binaural
•presentation of pairs of words) and dichoptic viewing (simultaneous
loading of both visual fields with pictures under minimal perceptual
durations) to investigate cerebral lateralization of language in nor?mal children. Results supported a progressive increase in the degree
of hemispheric asymmetry for language fuction over age, as deter?mined by both tasks.