Psikoloji Çalışmaları; 1966;4():1-8
Küçük Uzunluk Tahminleri
B Toğrol
İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul
Estimation of Small Distances
This paper deals with the problem of group tendencies in the estimation
of small distances.
Increasing and decreasing series of random stimulus lengths with
a tape measure were given to a group of 23 students and their results
studied. In contrast wit h previous findings of underestimations
in such judgments by W . R. Miles *, the standard errors seemed
to be overestimations for comparatively larger distances: (85-110 cm)
and underestimations for smaller ones: (25 60 cm.), wit h a possible
threshold between 60 cm. and 85 cm.
In spite of these errors, none of the group means differed significantly
from standards, thus revealing that group judgments by use
of their "inner-buili-mentdl-measures" were quite an efficient and usef
ul means for measuring distances.