Psikoloji Çalışmaları; 1961;3():21-32
Kültür Temasları ve Attitüdler
E Güngör
İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul
Bu araştırmanın gayesi, muayyen tipte kültür temaslarının başka
milletlere ve kültürlere karşı, olan attitüdlere tesirini aramak ve ölçmektir.
The Influence of Cultural Contacts on Attitudes
The purpose of this study was to investigate, the attitudes of Turkish
University students i n certain types of internationally oriented behavior,
and to find out the effects of contacts with , other cultures to problems
of humanity. For this purpose, The «World-Mindedness Scale» designed
b y Dr. Donald L . Sampson of Britis h Colombia University was
applied to a group of fift y subjects proficient i n a foreign language, and
to a second group of 100 unilingua l Ss. The Attitud e Scale consisted of 32
items including followin g dimensions ,: Religion, immigration, government,
economics, patriotism, race, education and war.
1 — Attitude s of Ss. having relations wit h another culture (or cultures)
are more world-minded than the other «closed» group. The former's
primar y reference group is mankind, whereas the latter's their own nation.
I n another word , one of these two groups favors the interests of
kind, whil e the other, his own nation.
2 — Female students are less national-minded than males. This difference
whic h could not be found among American subjects may be
explained as a cultura l characteristic for the Turkis h University students.
3 — To be educated i n a private foreign school does not influence
world-minded atititudes very much. Neverthless, a more detailed research
may possibly yield different results on this point.