Psikanaliz Yazıları; 2014;(29):61-68
Yasın Dili: Ergenin Şiiri
F Torun
Language of Mourning: The Poem of the Adolescent
This article covers a mourning period and process through a novel
hero. Adolescents ought to "leave" and overcome obstacles to form a lively life. The foremost difficult of adolescents is to fulfil the
emptiness of the things that they leave behind. Grinberg indicates that
mourning is a process that is also relevant to growth and development. For this reason, this process also covers the loss of attitudes, life styles and relationships. Adolescent phase combines these two processes. Mourning, similar to adolescence, means a transition period. That's why it is a basis for each creative process. Adolescents stand in the creation phase through the mourning process. Adolescents surely find their way and recreate themselves.