Psikanaliz Yazıları; 2014;(28):53-66
Ülkesel ve Kültürel Kopuklar Sırasında Büyükanne ve Büyükbabaların İletiminin Narsisistikleştirici ve Politize Edici Etkileri
J Altounian
Narcissistic and Political Effects of Grandparental Transmission in Territorial and Cultural Breaks
The subject of the author is to show that when the disasters of the history entail territorial and cultural breaks in the transgenerational transmission, they are almost always the grandparents, if they survive, who are, carriers of bruised tenderness and gobbled up cultures, and who are, often without their knowledge, holders also of the subversive political truths. They become in it ancestors who, paradoxically, bring some libido to their descendants by breathing them youth, spirit of rebellion and political consciousness.