Psikanaliz Yazıları; 2013;(26):39-52
Sonradan Tamamlanan Yas ve Rahmi Bey
A Şahin
Rahmi Bey and Delayed Mourning
This study aims to discover the meaning of a free association of a patient. The free association was related to a tune from a classical Turkish music song. The psychotherapist searches about the song in terms of its musical properties and as well as its lyrics. Some psychoanalysts are interested in the effects of music and discovered that maternal sound has a calming effect on babies. This in turn is expressed through music. From the perspective of the second topographical model of Freud, the classical music song studied in this work provides an example of how' conflicting feelings are expressed within a same framework. In this sense, the song helps to transform primary processes into secondary' processes. Even though the “Hisarbuselik" song of Rahmi Bey may be interpreted in terms of mourning, a closer interpretation shows that there is romanticism in this musical piece. Therefore the song refers to a love story and to mourning in a distant past. Oedipal historv of Rahmi bey is expressed in its song. This discovery helps the therapist to understand the oedipal issues of his patient, who makes a free association about this song.