Psikanaliz Yazıları; 2012;(24):99-106
Psikodramanın Türkiye’ye Gelişi ve Gelişimi
A Kayır
The beginning and development of psychodrama in Turkey
The aim of psychodrama is not only psychotherapy or conflict resolution but a good psychodrama session can broaden one’s point of view and philosophy of life.
In 1958 Prof. Ihsan S. Aksel invites Moreno to Istanbul University Medical Faculty, Department of Psychiatry for lectures on psychodrama.Young psychiatrists of that time, were charmed by his presentation.One of those psychiatrists was Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek who will later be the person who will introduce psychodrama training to Turkey while he was a faculty member in Ankara University Medical School Psychiatry Department.
In 1982 Dr. Ozbek decided to start a systematic psychodrama training in Turkey with the collaboration of “Moreno Psychodrama. Psychometry and Group Psychotherapy Institude” in Uberlingen where Dr. Leutz was the director. In 1984 a group of pioneers began psychodrama training in Ankara .Mainly German psychodrama leaders came for supervision and for workshops at least twice a year. In 1985
psychodrama training began in Istanbul with two big groups each being 25 members.
Turkish Group Psychotherapy Association was established in 1994 and became a member of IAGP in a short time. Then three psychodrama societies in three cities were established one after the other.
In 2001 Dr. A.Ozbek Psychodrama Institude became a member of FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organization). Two trainers from our Institute has worked in the FEPTO council for three terms.
Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psvchodrama Institude gave 119 psychodramatist their certificate of psychodrama therapist/director between the years 1997-2011.
The supervision and training of the trainers group is done every year with a supervisor from abroad. Recently we celebrated our 15 th year with Dr Greta Leutz who used to be our main trainer for years. Abdülkadir Özbek passed away in 2000. Each one of us has his and Greta Leutz’ style in our leadership.